
Lauren Crichton
Senior Product Marketing Manager

We might not like to admit it, but L&D在衡量其影响方面进展缓慢. 我们的行业根本没有取得我们所期望的进步. But it's time to step up and prove L&D对人力绩效和业务成果的影响和影响.

To prove the impact of learning, 我们必须知道培训和学习解决方案的目的和意图. 没有人比Kevin M .更了解数据、影响和学习. Yates, the L&D Detective™.

Kevin has helped organizations from Meta to McDonalds measure the effectiveness of their training and learning solutions. He’s connected their ‘North Star’ with learning and training to shift the needle on human performance.

We asked Kevin why L&专业人士应该衡量影响, 为什么围绕北极星组织是必要的, 以及如何将绩效思维带入L&D.

为了可读性、可操作性和清晰性,本对话经过了编辑. bwin足球平台帮助我们转录和研究了这篇文章.

The purpose of learning

问:衡量影响并不是L的典型输出&D. Why do you think that is? 理解影响如何改善我们的产出?

Historically, L&D has focused on what we create. The legacy mindset is that once we've created our training program or learning solution, our job is done. 我们一直关注的是产出,而不是影响. But that's changing.

我们需要从“交付”向“影响”转变。. 我们通过理解我们工作的目的来实现这种转变. For example, the purpose and intention for leadership development may be to strengthen leaders' capability. The goal then is measuring the extent to which training and learning fulfilled that purpose.

We need to set goals, the North Star, 训练和学习将如何显著地影响行为, actions, 表现和使用数据作为训练和学习影响的信号.

Q: How does that work in practice?

Imagine your organization is tasked with a 40% ARR growth over the financial year, and you’re a sales-led organization. Here, L&D需要与商业团队合作,了解他们的需求. Learn the metrics they care about the most and plan backwards until you reach the right learning initiative. You might ask questions like:

Kevin M. Yates, the L&D Detective™

问:你提到北极星很有意思. 这是许多公司组织运营的一个过程. How can L&D团队充分利用了这种心态?

Before conversations about training—even before discussion about what we're going to design, build, and create—we have to have conversations about business goals and performance requirements we need to achieve those goals. Performance impact is the North Star.

It’s also important to remember that different training and learning solutions have different purposes. 这些解的独特目的影响了L&D will measure impact. 并非所有的培训和学习解决方案都是平等的. 应该根据他们自己独特的目的来衡量他们的影响实现.

Think about mandatory training. 通常情况下,目标是100%完成以证明遵从性. 我们要衡量影响吗? Probably not—impact is not the goal. Compliance is the goal.


北极星心态有助于专注于目标和结果. 更重要的是,它把注意力集中在可衡量的结果上. The greatest and most exciting opportunity we have in training and learning today is leading with a mindset for creating training and learning solutions that allow us to measure impact on performance and business goals. That’s the core of my work. I measure training and learning’s influence on people’s performance and how performance helps people achieve business goals. That’s my North Star.



To make sure you're focused on training and learning solutions with measurable impact, I recommend:

  1. 首先确定业务目标.
  2. 确定实现这些目标的性能需求.
  3. Determine gaps in performance; compare where performance is versus where it needs to be.
  4. 确定为人类表现提供信号的度量标准和数据.
  5. 设计培训和学习解决方案,提高绩效, behaviors, 以及实现业务目标的行动.

I believe training and learning fulfill the highest purpose with measurable impact on performance and business goals. These steps ensure your training and learning solutions are best positioned for fulfilling the highest purpose.

L&D as performance consultants

Q: We can see that aligning L&D与北极星或目的是重要的. You also talk about aligning L&D with business goals. That can be hard to get started with. How would you begin?

I know I’m repeating myself but I really do believe performance is the “holy grail” for training and learning. For me, that’s where it all starts. More importantly, it starts with aligning our training and learning solutions with business goals and performance requirements needed to achieve those goals.

Alignment is more than just a cliché. Alignment is a deliberate and intentional process to connect training and learning with business strategy and talent development. It means our goal for training should be creating learning solutions that empower people. It means providing people with the skills and capabilities they need to be successful with helping the organizations they serve to win.

Ask yourself:

想想我们前面的ARR例子&D可以带来以绩效为中心的思维模式. Start with a skill-gap analysis. 假设你了解到bdm不清楚如何利用追加销售机会. The commercial team can tell you where your ARR could be, and what a realistic increase could yield. 从商业和销售业绩的数据,现在和你想要的地方, you can set your impact goal.

The opportunity in this example is getting design input and content advice from top sales performers. They’re sharing best practices, habits, 以及表现为实现业务目标的性能的行动.

Q: L&D是成功转型的核心,这是令人兴奋的. 但可以肯定的是,我们并不是唯一一个帮助做出改变的团队?

I like to say that winning is a team sport and the same is true for achieving business goals. 人类的表现有多种触发因素和激活因素. 训练只是其中一种激活因素.

当我们考虑如何实现业务目标时, 我们必须考虑所有发挥作用的团队成员. What role do other teams in the organization play in achieving a business goal including but not limited to training like marketing, technology, or product development? 我们如何用奖励、认可和补偿来激励绩效? 激活性能是否需要考虑环境因素?

这些都是影响性能的考虑因素. We must consider teams outside L&D和其他影响驾驶性能的因素. As I said, winning is a team sport.

我在这里说的一部分是心态. 好奇的心态会让你超越单纯的训练, solitary solution and prompts us to consider the entire landscape for all that impacts and influences performance.

Q: Moving to this mindset sounds simple, but in practice that’s a lot of changes to make. If someone’s leading a lean organization, how can they start making changes today?

这是个好问题,我很高兴你问了. Yes, 首先是心态和跟随心态, it takes action and the action is what you do to make measuring impact achievable. 有些问题必须要回答. 其中一些我已经说过了,但值得重复一遍:

如果你要把影响测量付诸实践, 你必须从这些问题的答案开始. Doing so will set you up for success with measuring the impact of training and learning using performance as the North Star.

Inside the leader’s mind

Welcome to the lightning round, where we ask every guest to answer these three questions…

What’s been on your mind lately? What’s been keeping you up at night?

One of the things that I've been spending a lot of time with is bridging the gap between what is idealistically true and what is realistically possible. There’s been a lot of discussion about measuring the impact of training and learning. 关于衡量影响有很多好的想法和观点. For me, the opportunity is telling the truth about what we can and cannot measure and actively pursuing where measuring impact is possible.

你会喜欢HR和L吗&D leaders to start doing today?

We aren't always honest and open about the dynamics of measuring impact for training and learning. It's hard work. It can be frustrating. 它会让人感到不确定、不确定和模棱两可. 但困难并不意味着不可能. I’m encouraging our community to spend more time with what we can measure and spend less time with what we cannot measure.

Which L&D、你在追随哪些人的领导?为什么?



Laura Paramoure, Training ROI Expert


Next up:

Zone of genius

Finding flow for every employee Summer celebrations


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