Unlocking the power of people data

Jenny Luo
Growth Associate

让我们的员工被授权并富有成效是任何人力资源领导者的首要议程. But how do we achieve that at scale?

It all starts with people data. Together with Winningtemp, we hosted a live session to explore the topic with investor, advisor, and Google Specialist Leader Johan Eriksson.

Here’s the full recap.

People analytics is a secret HR superpower

人员分析是收集和转换人力资源数据的实践. Using it can help us understand trends in company culture, employee engagement rates, and how employees define a great place to work. And in the end, guide people and business decisions.

But starting a new people analytics function isn’t easy. 在一个繁忙的人力资源团队中,找到创造新事物的能力是很困难的. And where do you start? 例如,团队如何获取eNPS分数,并使用它们来指导业务策略?

Uncover new HR insights

一个可持续发展的企业不能依靠休假时间来维持员工的精力. 公司需要知道如何一年四季都能最好地照顾员工. 持续的客户满意度需要持续的员工满意度和 energetic teams. 但是,有哪些信号可以帮助公司主动支持员工呢? 以及我们如何在照顾团队的同时创造出客户喜爱的产品?

This is where people analytics can help. 人员分析可以帮助人力资源团队探索看似不相关的领域之间的潜在相关性. Take social relationships and productivity. 也许社交日程越忙的员工精力更充沛,工作效率更高? Energized employees are vital for hyper-growth companies. 知道社交活动产生正能量可能会让你组织更多的团队活动. The insight drives the tactic.

Test hypotheses that drive HR outcomes

Using data to drive decisions in this way is powerful. But only if the data is accurate and we read it correctly. 没有坚实的基础,我们就有可能落入容易获胜和误报的陷阱. 这是关于你的数据的质量,和你的问题的意图.

Asking questions of data is easier when you have the right tools and features. 让我们想象一下,你正试图了解是什么驱动了员工的满意度. With the right platform integrations, 你可以理解员工满意度和休假时间之间的关系. 也许数据显示,你最高效的员工会休完他们所有的假期津贴,然后不上网. That’s another interesting learning. 但你如何利用这种洞察力做出改变,帮助你的员工和公司呢? 现在你有一个假设,推动更多的员工休假将提高员工满意度.

So how do you validate that hypothesis? Again, it’s all about the integrations. An integrated HRIS, messaging platform, LMS可以将触发到一个百分点的微学习自动化. 假设现在是一年的一半,有人只拿了他们零用钱的10%. The employee receives a ping in Slack or Google, nudging them to book more vacation. Say two weeks go by, and your employee forgets to book their vacation. Your integrated LMS 提供微观学习,解释休假时间对个人的好处, and the company. 这种学习可以引导你的员工进入你的假期预订门户网站.

Start from where you’re at

Getting started with people analytics can feel overwhelming. We say — start small and catch some quick wins. Use existing datasets, ask clearly defined questions. Once you’ve mastered the techniques, you can think bigger. Here's how:

Set the baseline

All super-insights start with a simple baseline. So start with the data that you have. 尽可能多地从你的人力资源堆栈中取出报告,看看有哪些可用. eNPS, vacation time, learning courses completed, benefits usage, attendance — it’s all potentially useful.

With your data in hand, ask yourself:


List your top 10 questions

现在你知道了你的优势和差距,创建10个最重要的问题,人们的数据可以回答. How do you find the questions? First off, trust yourself. You know where improvements will make the biggest difference. Ask:

参与更广泛的管理——但只有在回顾了自己的需求之后. When you’re ready to bring in wider stakeholders, 问他们:人员数据如何加强和授权管理团队? What problems could people data help them to solve?

Test rather than guess

现在你已经准备好从有问题到想要答案了. The best way to make progress is to start testing ideas.

也许你有一个假设,那些经常学习的人更有可能获得晋升. Here’s how you (in)validate it:

  1. First, write down your hypothesis. For example, “我认为积极学习的人比适度学习的人更有可能更快地获得晋升。”.
  2. Next, pick a unit of time to measure. You could use 6 months, as it’s long enough for patterns to emerge.
  3. Export the relevant data from your LMS.
  4. You should be able to see people's engagement rates, and calculate the mean average of employee engagement with learning.
  5. Now, look for the outliers. Are there people who are significantly more engaged than their peers? How many people?
  6. Look at their HR data. Are these people achieving a faster rate of promotion? If not, can you make guesses about why?

如果实验超出了你的舒适区,把挑战重新定义为机会. 您将学习新的技能,并找到解决方案,使人力资源部门更容易有效地提供支持, and at scale.

Embrace best practice

Don’t fall for the quick wins

Working with data means learning to interrogate it. 我们都是偏见的受害者,这意味着我们有时会看到我们想看到的. In the sciences, 这就是所谓的“寻找数据”——寻找一个能证明你观点的发现.

“Always look for the outliers in your data. That’s what’s truly interesting. That’s where there’s room for conversation and learning.”

Johan Eriksson

Take an example from Google. 最近,他们注意到谷歌的用户满意度增加了大约10%. That’s a big jump. 而且,尽管接受胜利是件好事,但这个数字具有误导性. 对数据的仔细观察显示,与平均水平的偏差有13%,有高有低. In addition to this there was a very likely sampling bias, making the year over year comparison irrelevant. 因此,不仅实际数字不正确,而且隐含的增长也不正确.

If you’re going to work with people data, everyone needs to know their quantitative from their qualitative. 安排数据素养培训,以帮助相关团队学习如何参与您的战略. 培训员工可以帮助团队在查看数据时保持好奇心和创造力. And curiosity matters. That’s where the super-insights lie.

Build a data warehouse

Get data on your side. Make it usable. Integrating your data will increase your ability to search it, experiment with it, and find insightful connections. For example, integrating your HR tech stack with your LMS can allow you to see new patterns.

Sana’s integration with Winningtemp can make this work simple. Winningtemp的仪表板可以为用户提供员工敬业度的顶层视图. With these insights in hand, HR and L&D团队可以创造学习,这是“以人为本”人力资源战略的一部分.

人力资源分析为人力资源团队提供了以新方式看待现有问题的机会. To help everyone as we continue to adapt. 通过更多地了解我们的员工,我们可以改善他们现在和未来的幸福感.

Many thanks again to Johan Eriksson and Jacob Österberg for their time and insights.

The LMS integration - every scaling company's best kept secret

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