


带着完整的自己去工作.’ 这真的有用吗?? 它可能没有听起来那么有用. 它并不能帮助人们了解和理解:“真正让我兴奋的是什么。?’

有一种低成本、快速的方法可供管理者利用. 它可以帮助每个人成为他们最成功和最满意的人. 这反过来又会让每个人都更有效率. 这个概念是“天才地带”,我们是这样使用它的.


在萨那,我们希望人们做他们一生的工作. That means we’re responsible for nurturing the talent 和 ambition of every employee who walks through our doors. 每一天.

这就是为什么我们喜欢Zone of Genius.

最简单地说, Zone of Genius is a matrix that helps people to learn where they’re distinctly talented. 我们借用心理学家的观点 同性恋亨德里克斯我很喜欢Front CEO 马蒂尔德科林 已经适应了它. 对我来说,这是学习独特才华的终极矩阵.


Every single activity that you do in life—personal 和 professional—falls into one of these four zones.

擅长某件事并不意味着我们喜欢它. 我们总是在做一些不能给我们能量的工作. 我们可能会错过什么, 然而, 是我们周围的人在同样的活动中同样有天赋吗. 关键的区别是他们也 给他们补充能量 同样的活动.

Without a framework like Zone of Genius to make these preferences transparent, organizations can run oblivious to how their employees truly feel about the work they’re doing. 即使在最好的时候,这也是一场危险的游戏, 更不用说在宏观经济不确定的情况下了.


Zone of Genius is beneficial for the business 和 the employee because it recognizes an important truth: time spent on a task 和 productivity do not correlate. 这四个区域强调的是精力而不是时间. 你做自己喜欢的事情的时间就越多, the more energy you have; the more energy you have, 你就会越有效率,越快乐. 就是这么简单.

At Sana, we believe it’s our responsibility to help our employees manage their 能量有效的. 所以我们把Zone of Genius命名为a 仪式 给每个新员工和他们的经理做练习. It’s part of building a bond–和 sets the stage for quarterly Zone of Genius check-ins. 这是一种个人练习, but we nurture it at work because it builds psychological safety 和 helps people to underst和 themselves better.

I help all Sanians with their Zone of Genius, 和 the results always surprise me. 我们常常低估自己的优势和技能. What’s familiar to a person can feel unremarkable; what provides energy can seem mundane. 但 when people are able to underst和 their strengths 和 energy with clarity, they’re empowered. 他们有知识的天赋.


Underst和ing Zone of Genius isn’t just a managerial skill—everyone should have that self-knowledge. 但在向你的员工介绍这个概念之前, 我建议你根据自己的需要去了解它. 这将帮助你引导他们完成整个过程.

如果你是第一次做这个活动, it’s helpful to have someone who can bounce ideas with you 和 provide an outside eye on your skills. 找一个值得信赖的同事,带上你的日历和矩阵. 是时候找到你的天才地带了.


第一步:打开你的日历. 回顾一下过去1-3周的所有活动. 是的,我指的是一切! 所有人手呼叫,管理任务,团队社交. 甚至是工作之外的爱好.

列出四个区域中任何一个的所有活动. 做 撰写商业案例 给你能量,但你知道你不是专家? 这是能力区. Are you amazing at recruitment, but, when you think about it, you realize it leaves you drained? 那项活动属于卓越区.

At Sana, we encourage people to add their social activities, though that’s a personal choice. 例如,我阅读传记,并将这些知识带到团队中. Maybe an engineer is building a game, or a marketer is writing a newsletter. Sanians find it informative to think about their time 和 activities as a whole. This helps us to find interesting patterns 和 gaps–the places where genius might be hiding.

当你注意到活动时, think about how you felt at the time: were you weary after thinking about vacation policies? 设计那一天让你感到快乐吗? 记下来. 仔细倾听自己.


如果你还没有, try to locate 3 to 5 skills that sit within your Zone of Genius–you might be lucky 和 have loads already noted, 但要具体一点,细化一点. If you don’t have 3 to 5, dig a little deeper, or ask your trusted colleague for their thoughts.

然后, 有了这个激动人心的发现, 问问自己:“我怎样才能在这个领域投入更多的时间?” If more of your personal activities than your work skills sit within your Zone of Genius, can you bring this information to your manager to help them leverage your skills to grow your career?


虽然寻找天才是目标,但不要忽视了其他领域. They teach you what to do with the other non-genius activities on your table.


能力活动是一个巨大的学习机会. 毕竟,它们能给你能量. With a little more focus 和 expertise, competence could evolve into genius. Take your learnings 和 talk with your manager–how can your responsibilities evolve with this information in mind? 你能要求更多的培训吗? 不尝试你永远不会知道.


这些是你应该外包或自动化的活动. 它们不会给你能量,所以从长远来看,它们不会为你服务. 如果你无法摆脱这些任务,那就加入一些游戏化. 挑战一下自己,用一半的时间来完成任务, 当你完成的时候,给自己来一杯燕麦拿铁——不管它对你有什么效果, 让它变得很棒.

推出Zone of Genius

Now you’ve located your Zone of Genius, it’s time to help everyone else in your team. 在萨那,我们每三个月进行一次演习. It’s a long enough time to make meaningful progress, without allowing for drift.

如果Zone of Genius对你的工作方式来说是全新的,那么它的推广成本很低. 但 it’s high leverage–the insights it uncovers are profoundly useful for individuals 和 their employers. 当员工和他们的雇主理解了“动力+能量”, 它让每个人都能充满激情和影响力地工作.

Here's some ideas to help you introduce 和 embed Zone of Genius across your company.


人们可以通过单独或结对工作来找到自己的天才地带. You could host a kick-off workshop to introduce the activity, then split the group into pairs. 没有管理顾问或昂贵的工作手册. 我们用的只是人,日历和矩阵. After the exercise, bring everyone back together to share their experiences 和 learnings. 讨论越开放,这个过程就越容易.


A Zone of Genius exercise is a valuable addition to the quarterly performance review. 当然,这会给复习课增加一点额外的时间. 但这是值得的. 你会得到同事和经理的最新反馈, 和 3 month’s worth of performance data—that’s ideal for assessing whether the person’s zones have shifted.


When everyone underst和s Zone of Genius, it becomes a tool to clarify responsibility.

For example, at Sana, it's common to hear someone say, 'I can help, but this isn't my Zone of Genius. 让我们找到一个更好的方法来推进这项任务.' It’s much more constructive 和 informative than saying you don’t want to do something, 或者更糟, 接受任务,然后怨恨它. With the Zone of Genius in your company’s vocabulary, everyone can be more transparent.

找到某人的天才地带是一个特别的时刻. You’ve found that match between talent 和 energy, 和 can see an exciting future in their eyes. If, like me, those are the moments you live for, you’re in for an incredible 和 rewarding journey.


读文章 夏天的庆祝活动




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