L&D leader’s guide to AI in the digital workplace

Business Development Manager

bwin足球平台是 填充 你的 新闻 饲料. 头条新闻声称 新科技时代的黎明. 作家 惊慌失措的 他们的未来. 和 who even owns the copyright? 这是 2015 all over again–but this time the stakes are higher. When OpenAI launched its first offering eight years ago, it 使技术民主化. Today we're experiencing a ‘new wave’ of generative AI. It’s distinct from everything that’s come before.

Introducing the new reality

What does this change in AI mean for today’s L&D领导人? 如何利用新一代的生成式bwin足球平台来帮助你的学习者并提高效率?

除了耸人听闻的头条新闻,bwin足球平台已经在帮助L&D teams to create 和 deliver exceptional learning programs. 和, following my chat with 拉维尼娅Mehedinţu, co-founder of groundbreaking L&D通讯和社区 弱拍的, we’ve been thinking about the impact of today’s AI on L&D是最有说服力的 大趋势数字化工作场所.


Let’s start with some definitions. bwin足球平台是一个广义的术语, 但新浪潮指的是一种特殊类型的机器学习,称为生成式bwin足球平台. We call it generative AI, because the systems generate content. New generative AI tools such as ChatGPTDALL-E are creating everything from blog outlines to marketing assets. No more writers block–deadlines aren’t so deadly.

ChatGPT works by crawling hundreds of billions of words. From 新闻paper reports to policy documents, 和 listicles to social media posts, ChatGPT takes that information 和 uses 语言模型 创造听起来和读起来都像是你或我写的内容. 这种发展之所以强大,正是因为生成式AI能够以最少的人力投入创造内容.

ChatGPT于2022年11月推出,是OpenAI的最新产品. Unsurprisingly, our 新闻饲料s were suddenly full of AI-generated帖子 as people explored its potential. 我们从未见过一项新技术以如此快的速度和规模进入公众意识——超过1亿用户 不到两个月. The computing power used to train these models increased by 6个数量级. OpenAI’s ChatGPT can tell you how to write a script, make a 素食mac & 奶酪, or help schools to reach every pupil.


What is the digital workplace?

The digital workplace is a major L&D 大趋势. 它指的是将工作生活中传统的、面对面的元素转移到网上. The transition had been growing steadily, 但大流行及其相关的封锁加速了这一速度. We were all on the (digital) move.

现在的组织 越来越多的分布式. 与以往任何时候相比,沟通、协作和学习都是通过网络进行的 数字工具的范围. 和 that raises even more challenges–one survey reports an 增加86% in employees learning through online classes. 更多的类意味着L&D正在创建更多的课程,构建更多的模板,并深入研究新的研究领域.

“The digital workplace is on everyone's lips. It’s key to increasing efficiency, 和 to remaining competitive... If you want to remain competitive, you need to engage.” 拉维尼娅Mehedinţu

分布式团队不可避免地会导致分布式信息,尤其是在快速发展的公司中. 知识成为 分散 和 stored inconsistently, 和 stuff just gets harder to find. 我们都经历过 信息瓶颈. The frustration, the reduced productivity. 总有些东西要放弃.

AI's role in the digital workplace

和 this is where generative AI comes in. 它可以做更多的事情. 它可能是你一直在等待的头脑风暴,寻找正确话语的副驾驶. 和 once 你的 course is live 和 ready? bwin足球平台可以在需要的时候发现隐藏在每张幻灯片中的最小的信息. 这是如何.

AI as 你的 content co-pilot

利用生成式bwin足球平台潜力的平台可以帮助共同创建培训 节省你的时间 在研究和写作方面. 意义? L&D is free to edit 和 curate learning pathways. Less time in the weeds, 和 more time scanning the horizon.

Imagine this: you open 你的 learning platform, 和 type in “Generate course on EMEA GDPR information”. Through the power of the models, generative AI can glean accurate, 从cookie政策到跨司法管辖区法规,再到电子隐私,应有尽有, 我能找到它。, 把它写, 形成它.

在几秒内, an entire course is ready: full of content, packed with interactive questions 和 polls. 并且充满了与主题和内容相关的,独特生成的图像. All in line with 你的 br和's visual identity.

Struggling to summarize the takeaways from each course module? 我可以帮你. 也许你需要 在全球范围内扩展课程? bwin足球平台可以成为你的翻译. Stuck on what to say about e隐私? 问AI一些问题,让它集思广益,或者完成棘手的下一段. Let it create summaries based on 你的 writing. bwin足球平台是 the extra pair of h和s you’ve been waiting for.

AI as 你的 knowledge assistant

Back to our 信息瓶颈. How can AI help employees find everything they need, right now? 一个答案是语义搜索——它远远超出了搜索栏.

Much like generative 语言模型 such as ChatGPT, 语义搜索 模型需要人工输入(比如在谷歌上提问),并为我们提供更相关的结果. 比方说,一名员工在预定课程之前想要了解有关个人学习津贴的最新信息. They remember a slide from a company-wide update, 但他们不想在不知道是否会得到报销的情况下冒险预订. 所以,他们点击L&D. 和? 他们等.

Imagine how many times these micro-moments happen every day. 有多少未回答的问题和注意力不集中造成了浪费? 和 for every last-minute, small question, there’s a 认知成本 对每个人来说. It’s long known that regaining concentration can take up to 23分钟. 当这些休息时间在整个组织中成倍增加时,它们的成本是多少呢? Now, imagine that time being given back to everyone.

When workplaces use Sana的bwin足球平台, finding information is easier. Sana的bwin足球平台 crawls 你的 workplace’s knowledge bases (think, Google, Notion和Slack). Nothing is too niche–everything can be found. Goodbye information silos, hello answers!

回到我们的员工. Rather than finding one long training policy document, 语义搜索以自然的语言生成响应. 你的员工问Sana的bwin足球平台“我的个人学习津贴有变化吗??” 和 receives the answer: “Since November 2021, 你的个人学习津贴增加了,我们也增加了允许的供应商名单. 如果你找不到可以支持你进度的课程或供应商,请ping L&D!” Imagine the bottlenecks that removes. 没必要问大忙人&D的同事. Everyone has the information they want, when they need it.

L&D's role in an AI-assisted world

许多职能部门正在经历角色转变,以应对bwin足球平台&D也不例外. But trust me, the shift is positive! 用更少的时间回答重复的问题和创建内容,L&D can assume a more strategic role. 这是如何.


权力的技能 这些是人类独有的技能吗,比如表现出同情心、与他人合作以及批判性思维. 传统上,它们被称为“软技能”,但这个标签低估了它们的重要性. In a world where bwin足球平台是 doing the heavy lifting, L&D can finally leverage these power skills to its advantage.

“The power of humans lies in power skills.” 拉维尼娅Mehedinţu

以批判性思维为例. 完成一个永无止境的“研究最新的GDPR”和“尽快更新合规性”的清单,没有多少时间进行横向扫描. There’s little scope to allow L&D to build relationships with the wider business 和 address business critical needs.

当您从无休止的内容创建简报和管理课程完成率中解脱出来时,L&D can embrace strategic questions. 比如如何提高员工保留率,减少新员工的工作时间. 或者学习在提高销售团队的成交/胜率方面可以发挥什么作用. These are exciting 和 challenging problems to solve. 随着AI覆盖更多内容需求,你终于有时间和空间去拥抱它们.


L&D will always be accountable for learning content 和 programs. 所以当AI参与到内容创造过程中,你便成为了总编辑. 和 that requires some due diligence.

毕竟,bwin足球平台的准确性取决于它所处理的信息. Without accurate training data on the right topic, the model might not create what you’re looking for. 最重要的是bwin足球平台 might not know it’s not telling the truth. 和 with those possibilities 是风险. 想想《bwin中文官网》(GDPR)课程吧——从该课程中学到的知识会对核心业务产生法律影响. 因此,如果你使用bwin足球平台来生成课程草稿,请始终对输出进行事实检查. Quality checking might add time at the end, 但整体的内容创建过程还是要快得多.

在这里,我们看到了真正的合作伙伴关系——bwin足球平台自动化了大量的工作, with people owning the detail-work. 这就是L&D’s horizon really starts to exp和.

None of us know where bwin足球平台是 heading. 但我们知道,当我们决定学习时,我们可以更有弹性地面对不确定性. 我们以开放的心态和学习的心态面对未来. bwin足球平台是 simply the next tool in our evolution.

再次感谢 拉维尼娅Mehedinţu 令人惊奇的是 标新立异的时事通讯.


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