

The CPO has the second-hardest job in the 管理层. The Chief People Officer (CPO) has to underst和 the functions of their 管理层 peers, take organizational targets 和 goals, 和 reverse engineer them into departments 和 jobs. We’re accountable for productivity. We’re the voice of our companies as they navigate complex social 和 external factors, all while growing profitability 和 treating people well. It’s a job that requires a love of people, deep curiosity, 和 business acumen. And it’s only getting more complicated.

I’m 拉尔斯•施密特,创始人 放大, an HR executive search 和 leadership development consultancy. I’m a contributor to Fast 公司, IESE客座教授, 领英学习导师, 和 I host the LinkedIn Presents: 重新定义工作 播客. You could say I’m an advocate for advancing the world of work.

Through my work, I’ve seen that great HR is a growth catalyst for every leading business. Our role will only continue to grow, both in strategic importance, 和 in scope. But to deliver our most impactful work, we need to speak the language of the 管理层. To nurture our 学习ing agility 和 network equity, so every action we take is building our organizations, 以及我们的事业.


Unfortunately, HR still carries sterotypes of ‘compliance’ 和 ‘following the rules’. For too long, we’ve been seen as ‘policy cops’. 但我们的学科在不断发展. That rapid acceleration to 管理层 status means today’s CPO isn’t slowing down. Let’s look in more detail at the Chief People Officer’s role, both today 和 tomorrow.


我们生活和工作在一个 VUCA世界. Uncertainty is everyone’s new baseline. This creates anxiety that permeates every part of our lives. CPOs have to bridge the reality of this uncertainty with hard business outcomes. Our role is both critical 和 complex.

Our expertise spans the expertise of the 管理层. Today’s CPO underst和s Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy like a Chief Revenue Officer, 像CMO一样进行市场定位, 和像CIO一样的技术战略.

HR weaves together these complex 和 sometimes competing interests. And we need to get better at telling our stories. We need to be a vocal part of the 管理层—now.


Leveraging our visibility 和 clout happens when we align every HR decision to the business needs. We achieve this by gaining business acumen, 和 by prioritizing our relationships.


Business acumen isn’t necessarily new, but it's been magnified over the last couple of years as we navigate the complexity of the world of work today.

It’s not enough to just know your craft or underst和 the business. You need a range of data inputs to know what's happening in the wider world 和 how that might impact your business, 你的员工, 你的员工, 和 the talent you're trying to recruit.

When asking for investment in a new tool or product you need to articulate the ROI along with the cost to the business of not investing in it.

A fundamental error that CPOs make is thinking members of the 管理层 will simply underst和 the role of HR. 但如果你想成功, 你必须采取主动, 有效沟通, 说他们的语言.

Imagine your 首席执行官 announces an ambitious scale target, 和 you don’t have the right employees to make this happen. Your HR tech stack is out of date. And your TAs have told you that the bonus structure needs refreshing. 你是做什么的??

你展示了现实. You tell the CFO that HR is already working on two major projects 和 you’re at capacity. Explain what you're funded to deliver. 要绝对清楚. If your CFO is asking you to scale hiring, it either needs to come with funding for a new tech stack 和 a new bonus structure for TA, or you’ll need to carve something out to make space for that. Ask the CFO to choose—of the two options, which is their choice?

这个简单的, transactional language helps the 首席执行官 和 CFO to underst和 what their decisions look like in reality. Stake your claim for the resources HR deserves. Don’t allow others to dismiss your experience. Build the relationships that can bring your vision to life.


Your most important relationship is with your 首席执行官. Prioritize that relationship over everything else, even your team. That doesn’t mean neglecting your team! But if you don't have the trusted advisor relationship with your 首席执行官, realizing your vision 和 impact could become impossible.

When we’re thinking about relationships, it’s helpful to cascade them. I advise prioritizing a relationship with the 首席执行官, 和 then thinking about the 管理层. Your team 和 你的员工 are important—but if we’re going to get the budget 和 buy-in for the programs our team needs, we need the trust 和 support of our 首席执行官 和 管理层 peers. Thinking about your time this way is strategic. Every project st和s a higher chance of success when your primary relationships are strong.

It’s important to keep clear lines with your 首席执行官. 不要靠得太近. A 管理层 member sometimes needs to be a truth teller. That can mean protecting the 首席执行官 from themselves. By bringing the data 和 an alternative approach to a problem, you can affect tremendous change.

Let’s revisit our imaginary scaling targets. To achieve the new staffing rates, you need a new HR tech stack. A CPO could navigate each relationship in the following ways.


Model the cost of the investment. Demonstrate how the investment will enable employees to reach the organization-wide goals.


Demonstrate how the new stack would specifically benefit each or their teams, in addition to organization-wide productivity.


Communicate honestly about your strategy. Remind them of your confidence in their ability, 和 your commitment to securing best in class tools.


新技术需要社交. Consider how your new tech might impact 你的员工, 和 how to communicate these changes. Co-create this communication with them, 和 for them.


Your tech needs to go-to-market strategy

读文章 夏天的庆祝活动

As the 首席执行官’s trusted advisor, it’s going to be easier to action your strategic ideas. But these ideas don’t come from a void. They come from your commitment to investing in your curiosity.

A CPO should be a little selfish

It’s not just about the business. There’s a certain amount of personal acumen to infuse in the CPO role. Tomorrow’s CPO needs an intrinsic curiosity in people, 学习ing, 和 the world.

We do this by honing our 学习ing agility, 和 building our network equity.


Learning agility is our ability to distill, 学习, 合成, 和 implement new ideas to shape our success as a function. Ideally, we’re one step ahead of the 管理层. We’re responsible for every employee’s job, their safety, 和 their wellbeing. We cannot afford to be uninformed.

To build your 学习ing agility, block at least 30 minutes in your calendar, every week. Don't let people move it, change it, or book another meeting at that time. 为时间辩护. Use it to read the articles you saved on LinkedIn, or listen to that 播客. 也许边走边听. 加深你的知识. 充实你的大脑.

The time we invest in ourselves through 学习ing is time that pays dividends for our companies, 为自己, 对于我们的团队. It’s so easy to put our deliverables first. But if you're not making space to deliver for yourself, you're going to struggle to keep up.

探索 Generative AI tools like ChatGPT. These tools are changing everything. Whatever time you can invest in 学习ing 和 experimenting with these tools is a huge force multiplier.


It’s easier to navigate complicated times when you have a broad 和 diverse network of trusted advisors. 我称之为“网络权益”.

It’s a thoughtful 和 deliberate approach to cultivating a diverse network of people inside 和 outside of your discipline. We live in a global network 和 our strength comes from the knowledge 和 skills we have access to.

Imagine you spot an emerging trend that could have significant implications on 你的员工. You want to forecast the potential implications quickly. But you don’t know where to start. And you don’t have time to waste.

Remember—you know two or three people in your network who've done that exact same thing. 打电话给他们. 寻求他们的智慧. Ask them about the l和mines to be aware of, or templates they might share. It's a game changer, a 10x magnifier on your impact on the business.

Our value at work isn’t just about the knowledge or skills we have in our head or our h和s. It's about the knowledge that we have access to. 是我们认识的人. The problems we can solve together. The skills we share with each other. It’s how we’ll manage every upcoming change on our horizon.

To help leaders build their 学习ing agility 和 network equity, I created 扩大学院. The 扩大学院 is changing how HR practitioners develop their careers through peer communities, bwin足球平台学习实验室, 和 leadership development cohorts. Together with our HR Executive Search practice, these platforms support our mission of building a better world of work by elevating the field of HR.

Tomorrow’s CPO will continue being a driving force for their organizations. Their mastery of both HR 和 business acumen will erase the legacy stereotypes 和 reshape the field of HR into a driving force for the business.


Unlocking 学习ing beyond the corporate LMS

了解更多 about the future of knowledge 夏天的庆祝活动




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